About Fly Midwest

In spite of the fact that the new MSFS has some bugs and limitations, it is still very impressive. I have been "flying" on computers since the Commodore 64 days, so you can imagine how much I have seen improve over the years. The newest MSFS, impressive as it is, is missing some key areas in the Midwest (and beyond I am sure). The AI scenery generation engine works fairly well getting shapes and such of existing things, but it appears that some things have either been left out accidently (or maybe on purpose). One glaring example is the US Bank Stadium which appears to be a hole in the ground under construction. Another irritating ommission is water towers. They appear to be, for the most part, non existent. I have added water tanks and towers in MN, SD, ND, WI and IA so far. NE, KS, MO, and ILL are in the works.
With the latest release of MSFS, helicopters are now supported, but helipads are virtually non existent. That said, I have added the bulk of heliports in 12 midwestern states.
I actually enjoy making scenery work almost as much as flying the sim, so hopefully you will enjoy the work I share here. Its far from perfect, but hey, its free and a step up from the generic AI generated scenery I think.

My current scenery packages were developed with bing graphics and photogrammetry settings turned ON. If you run with therse settings not active the scenery files are pretty much worthless. You will still see SOME scenery as it was intended, for example water towers, but foir the most part the bulk of things will be bizarre at best.

Don Bouchier

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